02 February 2011

It's Pre-CNY night~Reunion Dinner Night^^

Today is Pre-CNY day, people called it "除夕"……all people suppose to be at own home on today. I think no people willing at outside to pass their night except got their pity reason that cannot go back home on today. Because tonight every family should have a reunion dinner, "团圆饭" . Do you? Yea, I do. Just finish have our reunion dinner at home. Even not big fish big meat, but most important is all family member gather on tonight by safe and sound. Tell yours...my family member got 10 adults and 6 kids. It's a big family huh? Yea...Big family that I have.

Every year pre-CNY night, all of our sisters will gathering, either yum cha either gambling or gather at someone home. So I have to go out later.Hehe... We have a date at 10pm. Some of us just meet once per year. It's tonight. Should be happy and enjoy day because long time din meet some of them. Just meet at FACEBOOK. Is it meet? Nope...but facebook really can make people keep contact even long time no see.

This few days, if you are my facebook friends, you will realize that I din post any emo status. Actually I have many thing to shout out and I choose shout out at another place. Another communication website same like facebook but there doesn't have any friends know me there. So I can say what I want to shout out. I know it's happy Chinese New Year, I should not be emo. But I try, I really try to be happy. Even I smile, I laugh, my heart was tearing. The time will help me put down it. While waiting the time pass, I don't think I can be real happy. Sorry my friends, I make you disappointed.

Lastly, I wishes all my friends and especial to ♥ you ...

0 ♥ CoMmEnTs: