02 March 2011

♥ Yvonne's birthday... ♥

Actually today just is my dearest Ji MUi - ♥ Yvonne ♥ 's birthday. But me and ♥ KV ♥ invited her watch movie on yesterday. We were watching [I AM NUMBER FOUR]. It was quite nice and nervous movie. I damn like it and I hope can watch one more time. 

After movie she wanna go back home already because she need to work on next day. So we have no idea to stop her but we bought cake and present think wanna celebrate with her. So lastly we bring her go to parking lot KV's car. We take out the birthday cake and she was stare. She said she never think about it. Well, a surprise for her. This is the first time she blow the birthday candle in the parking lot. Remember it... PAVILLION PARKING B1 D39. This also my first time celebrate my friend's birthday on parking lot.

Well...guess what I bought for her birthday present? You know la, women's need just few thing. Finally I go The Body Shop bought a perfume to her. You know, that is my favorite perfume. I wishes to buy it soon but at last I bought it, just bought it for another person only. Actually...I'm so sad. But never mind, I will find another perfume. Hehe... 
Japanese Cherry Blossom Eau de Toilette
I sacrifice my love...Yvonne, you need treat it more better ya... T_T

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