11 May 2011

♥ Happy Moment ♥

In this moment, that's only a thing can make me happy recently. 
Tell everyone, I'M GETTING GRADUATE! 
I graduate with CGPA 3.0
Even not so high but this beyond my expecting.
Yes, thanks GOD blessing me. I get B+ in Housekeeping Management 
(The subject which I hated it and fail many times already)
Finally, I defeat it^^ 
So happy because no need waste money for resit again!

I ask my friends, do you think want to attend the graduation ceremony or not?
Actually also asking myself, I want to join or not? 
Before I confirm to say, I never think wanna join this 
Because I feel a resit student get graduate 
And gonna join her junior batch graduation ceremony
Feeling bad and MALU
Get what I mean. But if I din join
I lost a chance in my life to wear the academic mortarboard.
But anyway, I should take a consideration.

I so happy because in this moment
all my friends post the status announce they're graduate also.
You don't know how happy we are. 
Finally we can graduate together.  YES, WE DID IT.
Congratulation to my friends which getting graduate already.

I really don't know how to describe my mood now. 
I so so soooooooooo haaaaaaaapppppppyyyyyyyyyyyyy
I done a good job! 

0 ♥ CoMmEnTs: