22 March 2011


Start to working already three months
but feel like past three years already you know? 
Everyday working like a cow, tired and tired. 
No life, no laugh... Only work. 
That's the life I want? Or that is the life I need? 
I want and I need are different. 
That is the truth which I realize when I start have my working life.
May be during this period, I need more important than I want. 
So I only have one choice, WORKING FOR SALARY. 

I'm confuse. 
I work for three months but I just realize I din save money at all. 
Should I save money for future? 
Or should I save money for enjoy life now? 
Confusing because I want to buy my belove camera, 
or I want to save money to buy a car first? 
Finally I have no answer for my confusing. 
Many many question without full stop appear in my brain. 
How I want to do?

This is one of the reason that's why I'm depressing.
Second reason is my working life. Suck management in my working environment.
Make me hate it and feel wanna resign already. Feel so tired with it.
I enjoy my working life because I meet some friends inside there.
I feel suck because I meet some suck thing inside my team. 
What should do? PATIENT PATIENT and PATIENT~!!! 

Pray for me. Wishes I can past this suck period! Add oil Bebiee~!! 

0 ♥ CoMmEnTs: