29 January 2011

Enjoyable Day with you...♥

YEa... Is time to off. Yesterday was my off day and finally I can go shopping already. Finally I can watch the movie that I expected. That is [Great day] made by MALAYSIA MY FM and Astro.

Actually Malaysia movie compare with other country movie, you can know big different from the speaking that Malaysia people talking. Well, that is the selling point for this movie because really beh tahan, quite funny. I love it so much...♥

OKie....Back to title. Shopping really nice without any stress. Buy what you want what you need. I enjoyed that feeling you know? Damn syok la... but when look at my wallet become more and more thin, the syok feeling gone.LoLz... if I'm the daughter of Lee Kah Seng, how good is it? Wei...Stop dreaming la. It wont happen belong me. (Knock my head)

Oh forget to tell I going shopping with my dear, Angel Yong. My lovely dear...Before we start to shopping, we going to watch movie. [The Green Hornet] Jay Chou had star this film. But it's only 3D movie on showing now. TMD...cheat my money you know? I didn't felt any 3D feel when I watched this movie. It was a not bad movie but waste my money for 3D and it doesn't worth to watch 3D. Please take consideration before you watch this movie in 3D...

After we watch the movie, we had lunch at DOME. Actually there atmosphere not bad but the food not the best within all chain. I prefer KLCC but there always many guest thats why have a good service and food & beverage. We had order a mushroom sup, their recommended burger and the blended coffee called THE COFFEE TWISTER. THE LOT BURGER, consists of beef bacon, egg, choice of beef or chicken, and so on... always was my preferred food when I'm going to DOME. By the way, I also recommended FISH & CHIPS in Dome, quite large and nice. You can have a try.

Finish top up our energy, then we start shopping lo. (There was 4.30pm, shopping hour left 4 hours only.) 
Almost 8 something we finished shopping and quite tired. Sit on the side chair and rest for a while. After it we going to have "GuEi Leng gou" again... I had eat many herbal jelly but "恭和堂" was my first choice, because really nice. 

My off day pass...have to work again. The time pass so fast. I hope it faster pass until 1st February then I can go back to my hometown. I miss my mom and dad so much. Please...go ahead this 3 days.

0 ♥ CoMmEnTs: