17 January 2011

♥ GG~!!! ♥

I know who have play dota sure know what is GG right??
Haiz...No need I explain, also know what happen to me right?
OKie...I tell everybody!!! I'M FAIL ON MY EXAM!!!
All my tips came out on exam paper, then why I'm say I'm fail?
Because I forget everything when I get the paper~!!!
OH MY GOSH!! How come like that ??? Don't ask me.
Because I also don't know!!!
Ok...Stop talking about the sad thing. After exam, I'm going Jusco with Christine.
However she exam on tomorrow morning but I ask twice time she still said she want join me.
Well...if she fail then not my business already la. Shhh...
We have lunch + dinner at Secret Recipe. Because I miss spaghetti very much.
But after had it, I think next time I better buy all the materials then I cook myself.
More WORTH and TASTY^^Wanna try? Make reservation with my secretary please.

Spaghetti Chicken Meat Ball
(Its meat ball tasty^^)
TaBasco...Christine's LOVE
Ice Mocha Espresso & Ice Cappucino
IS it got different?
Bebiee @ Spaghetti
Chicken Chops Rice
(Small only...where enough Christine eat oh?)
Christine @ Chicken Rice CHop
Tomorrow start work already even rest 2 days half at home but still lazy to work.
But never mind, 2 weeks more I'm gonna back home^^ Expect for my CNY holiday.
OH NO~~~~Talk about CNY, I just realize I haven buy new clothes and new shoes.
That's the problem. Alamak.
12 days to go...Hope I have time and someone willing to accompany me go shopping.
You know...How long I didn't see him already?
It's 19 days from 30 December 2010 until now.
I don't know when I can meet him. I'm very miss him.
Hmmm...Is the time for relax. Ciaoz...

0 ♥ CoMmEnTs: