02 January 2011

The new beginning 2011

On the 1st January 2011, I'm still working even everybody were enjoy their holidays. But never mind, because I heard some good news, today and yesterday paid triple salary.( Sound like good but working like hell). And tell a good news also, I get my salary for one week on yesterday. Guess how much is it? ( an amazing salary that you never think about it ) I'm afraid in front of the machine ATM when I saw the digit at my bank account. >.<" But this is the motivation make me (not only me) expect more and more start from 2011. Ganbatte~!!!

Since the fireworks started  at 12am, unbelieveable 2010 was pass and 2011 is begin. Everybody said start a new life in 2011, forget all the unhappy stuff on 2010. I'm quite support but I don't know I can do it or not, but trust me, I'll try my best. I wanna a new feeling, new environment, new target and my new life on 2011.

I had too many thing happened on 2010, but it's doesn't matter, because it was pass on yesterday. I should forget and put it down, I just hope some people who hurt me, who make me sad and who make me down, never and ever appear in my life start from today. I'm seriously notice it. Don't think I can't put it down that mean never forget them. NO! It's not easy to explain it because you're not me, never know what I'm thinking. So please don't act clever. THANKS.

NEVER SAY TOMORROW START FROM TODAY. Yea, never say :" Tomorrow first, next week first, wait next time." Today we don't know what will happen on tomorrow. “Tomorrow or accident, don't know who will coming first on next day.” I'm strongly agree this because it is the truth in our life. Anything you want to do, anybody you want to love, any places you want to go, please...start to plan it right now, start to do it right now. Because anything and anybody are changing everyday.

START TO PLAN MY TARGET. I had write down my targets on my notebook. I wishes can do all of them within 2 years, maximum three years. I wanna do what I want, buy what I need. So, I need brave it out in 3 years. Lok Cui Ting, I know you can do it. Don't easy to give up because I wanna have a greater life on future. What my targets? Hmmm...I only can tell yours, my all target combine together just five words, "All must depend on oneself "

Anyway, 2011 should have a new beginning. My new beginning start from my new working environment. Even this is a tired and hard physical  job. Everyday standing for 8 hours. I don't know got after effect or not. Haiz...Even I just work 3 weeks but seem like work 1 years already, it can see from our face, become emaciated look. I'M SERIOUSLY. But I tell myself, I will fight for the salary. Be a waitress not a easy thing but it doesn't want any certificate and there is high salary than other jobs. So whatever, I really need to fight, even for money or my target, I NEED MORE MONEY. That's all.

Finally, I wanna to say GOODBYE to 2010, say goodbye to some people who give me lessons on 2010. I should said THANK YOU for them because they let me grow up with pity lessons. Anyway, they teach me never easy believe people,because they're not really give their real heart on me,  never easy friend with anyone because anybody have the chance to betray myself, never remember the sweet memories because even got many sweet memories but it also will become a lies at last.

Thanks for your all 
because Bebiee on 2011 
is the person come out from your lessons. 

Is the time to grow up.
Don't easy to get hurt, 
don't easy to cry, 
don't easy to give up 
don't easy to fall in love.


p/s : I just love who I love now. I never give up, NOT I DON'T WANT GIVE UP,JUST I CAN'T DO IT.

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