20 January 2011

Finally I'm sick

I'm always admire myself because working one month with busy life but still energetic.
Finally I'm get sick. I'm cough, then get fever and flu.
I'm still going work today morning but feel so pity with dizzy and cough.
My manager ask me going back because they scare me faint.

After I'm reach home and I'm fall asleep until 12pm.
I going to clinic because I really feel "TAK BOLEH TAHAN" already.
When we reached there, there only got 2 patients before me.
But we waiting almost one hour just my turn.
I don't know why they go inside for long time but I go inside just 5 minutes.
Finally I get my medication and my MC.

OH MY GOSH...There got five medication for me.
Cough, flu, sore throat, fever and antibiotic.
OH no...Eat 5 medication together? Should I call ambulance for standby?
Can I swallow it together???
This is my all medication.
I called my mum yesterday night and told her I'm sick.
She said I always get sick easily and ask me take care.
When I heard that, I'm cry. After I'm work, I never called back home. I'm feel myself so disobedient.
Sorry mum, and I LOVE YOU MUM...

0 ♥ CoMmEnTs: