20 September 2010

♥ Whatever ♥

Hmmm...first time type english in my blogspot~
Haiz...I'm using a banana's laptop is like this de lah~
dun hv chinese here...lazy to find and help him change~Whatever~
but i have nothing to do so i think i gonna update my blog...

Now at Melaka,a banana's house...
Today morning we were going Muar to play 4 on 4 volleyball tournament~
just for fun lah actually...
finally we lose gao gao~!!!!
but anyway...we are try our best~

This few day really cant sleep well...
not becoz at other people's house~
i also no idea with my insomnia
i can call this as biasa~haha^^
hmmm....time pass faster~
tomorrow i will be bek KL with my fren~
bcoz she was alone...so i need accompany her drive from Melaka to KL

I will be bek my hometown again at Tuesday~
haiz...gonna become more and more boring when i bek there~
there are nothing to do but better than stay at KL
becoz i think i will waste money~
hmmm...oledi bankrupt lah~haiz...
play too much on this month~
regret???i think no~~~
becoz i think no more chance again when i got to work~

Hotel Management~
i think i choosing wrong course~
its not suit for me~
its kill my time~i hate it~
Although it is a easy course~
finally i feel i'm not suit this course...
i dun like to work like this...
no times no spaces~
i oledi study 2 years~
anyway,after take the cert jux say lah~!!!

may be is my last time play volleyball at TARC~
after it...gonna find jobs...
haiz...now jux feel...study is nice~
Regret again????
i think no...coz i dun wan waste my mum's money~
i know i cant ~so better dun wan try~
i hope i can be a student again...
i hope the time go back to the time when i start the college life...
its my fun time and happy time...
but now...gonna accept it~
i have to work~i no more student~
ya...its truth for me...so i need accept it~
Whatever~~every people also will work after they study~
just about time only mah...lolxxx~~

Hmmm...actually this few days,i so emo~
because of what???
Because of him~~
i think i really like him...but i dun dare say with him...
i scare when i say it out...he jux told me "we just friends only"
i hate to heard this and i will be hurt again~~
my heart only use plaster to repair it before when last time i get hurt~
so its easy to broke again so i need make sure my heart get protect~
i dun dare tell him...coz i feel he like another girl which so close with him~~
what i gonna do???i think nothing~~~
just slow slow put it down...
because...i dun wan get hurt anymore~~~

0 ♥ CoMmEnTs: