14 November 2010

♥ The way you are ♥

I had two days sweet days with my dear on last week. ITS ENOUGH FOR ME!!! At least we had sweet and happy dating on that 2 days. Even I don't know we got another chance again to go out together or not , but this 2 days memories were in my mind forever. I'm so happy also because our problem was solved on that day. Even it was sad but I need to know more your thinking. I wishes to know you more. 

Your conclusion really so hurt for me but I do because I LOVE YOU. After you said it, we're silent for long time. I think you think I'm sleep on that moment so you also fall asleep already. But I'm not. I just close my eyes and thinking until my tears fall down. I turn my head and look at you. Your sleeping face. I smile...I knock my head and ask myself, why I'm still confuse? Not already told myself before JUST LOVE only meh? Why I still confusing my decision? Finally my brain remain sober-minded ... I hug you on that time and my last tear was fall down and lucky you don't know.Because I don't want you see I'm cry.

I'm so happy because after our talked we still can together. You know what...I really get my prepare before it for our break up. All negative thinking at my brain when we're talked. Lucky I'll don't cry in front of you. Because in front of you, I want be a strong girl. I don't want like a small girl that always cry.

I asked :" If I suddenly disappear in your life, what you will think?" He said:" Then something is wrong, and I will come finding for you." I'm crying.
I said :" If I suddenly disappear in your life, don't find me." He said :" No. At least an explanation thanks. So that my soul can accept it. " and he said :" You trying to fool me, you missing in my life then I will not happy tomorrow also." I said :" I think Xxxxxx wont." He said :" But Xxxxxx Pxxx would. " I'm crying again.
Even our conversation consist many thing that hurt my heart, but I will forget it because I wanna learn try to remember good thing and forget the bad thing.

He said:" Many people know how to cherish you,only me this Mr.Stupid." I said:" I'm the one stupid because love someone." He said :" You're blind not stupid." I said:" I had make a stupid choice.So no choice...I have to cherish my choice." Because I love the one who I choose.

Yesterday had a nice video call with you and great to see you. Hehe...Start to love your smile because of that rabbit teeth. Start to love the way you become kid. Start to love the pattern that you have. And start to love the real you.

I said I wishes to know more your thinking. You said know my thinking is like trying to know the world of truth. You said you scare my run off because of your thinking. Don't worry.It doesn't make my afraid.Yea, I'm trying to accept your thinking and I'm gonna learn to accept the truth. It wasn't a bad thing for me right? I think it was a good lesson for me.

Dear, Thanks you for give us a chance again. If not I think we already break up.I will cherish what I choose and I only can love my choice, unless you said wanna leaving. You said you really like me but haven love me. Don't worry.This few days I think and think all the time. Why I still feel dissatisfy that at least you still like me.Why not I just cherish what we have in this moment.So I think so clearly already and I'll waiting the day until you tell me you love me. I will never and ever give up.Because I love you,my dear.

0 ♥ CoMmEnTs: