20 October 2010

♥ 20 10 2010 ♥

Today is the special day because 20/10/2010.Never and ever will repeat the same day just like today. Today also is the special day for us. No, just for me. I think he already forget about it. We've been together for a month. But he never care about it. This one month was a long long time for me.

 People say there are the sweet period when the begin of the love for the couple. But seem like we're not. A normal love between me and him for this one month. Just like some couple with long love, a passionless love. But don't know why I love him so much.

She said :" We both are the same kind, put too much heart to them, but they never and ever know about it." I said :"We just like a idiot, always get hurt from love even know this love no ending at last but we still dare to put the heart to them." Thats us……

Yesterday night and Monday night, I had dreamed about you. I remember both dream also disaster dream. Whole gang of volleyball teammates also inside my dream. What the mean? I also wanna to know. But I never scare because you're beside me on that time.

I think may be yesterday I so fish,misunderstanding my dear din reply my message. I post it to facebook. (Finally is me forget to sent the message) and my dear so bad, he said :" Its ok...you can choose to let go the post if you want." I think if I go in front the mirror sure see my face is red de. I laugh whole night in the room. I feel so fish lah……alamak!!! Sorry dear...don't angry ya^^ (pull my own ears now)

If Little Cupid can give me a wish on today, I just hope you can more care about me.That enough for me. I ask for is actually not much. I just want you.

0 ♥ CoMmEnTs: